Commitment to Zero Emissions

The Civil Aviation Authority strives to effectively contribute to the Sultanate of Oman's commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 by enhancing efforts to protect the environment of civil aviation and reduce the adverse impacts of civil aviation activities on the global climate. 

The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Civil Aviation Authority, has submitted the National Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction from the International Civil Aviation Sector to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This plan is a long-term national strategy that outlines the expected emission of Carbon Dioxide from the sector, and the mitigation measures that can be taken in Oman to reduce those emissions, thereby contributing to achieving the net-zero goal in the country. It also tracks the achievement of the long-term aspiration goal set by the ICAO to reach net-zero emissions from the international civil aviation sector by 2050.

The use of alternative fuels in civil aviation is at the forefront among mitigation measures that can be taken to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the sector, as it contributes to achieving a more remarkable reduction compared to technological and operational improvements and market-based measures.

From this standpoint, in order to promote the deployment and development of sustainable alternative aviation fuels, the Innovation Support Forum for Sustainable and Low-Carbon Aviation Fuels and Clean Energies comes to enhance a general understanding of sustainable and low-carbon aviation fuels and clean energies, and their role in addressing the impact of civil aviation activities on the environment and climate. It also aims to identify the current status and future potential related to the production of sustainable and low-carbon aviation fuels in Oman.