President Message

The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Civil Aviation Authority, has submitted the National Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction from the International Civil Aviation Sector to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This plan is a long-term national strategy that outlines the expected emission of Carbon Dioxide from the sector, and the mitigation measures that can be taken in Oman to reduce those emissions, thereby contributing to achieving the net-zero goal in the country. It also tracks the achievement of the long-term aspiration goal set by the ICAO to reach net-zero emissions from the international civil aviation sector by 2050.


Civil Aviation Environment Protection

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has placed great importance on protecting the environment of civil aviation. The member states of ICAO, signatories to the Chicago Convention, have agreed to focus their environmental cooperation in the international civil aviation sector on three key areas: 
​- Climate Change and Aircraft Emissions
​- Aircraft Noise
​- Local Air Quality

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​Airplane Technologies

Sustainable Aviation Fuel

​Operations Improvements


​Forum of Innovation Support in Sustainable and Low-Carbon Aviation Fuel and Clean Energy in the Civil Aviation Sector 

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Promote the development and deployment of sustainable and environmentally friendly aviation fuels in the air transport industry, which contributes to the achievement of Oman Vision 2040 and the fulfillment of international commitments.

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Promote a general understanding of sustainable and low-carbon aviation fuels and their contribution to addressing the environmental impact of the civil aviation industry’s activities. Identify the current status and future potential related to the .......

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The Youth Session

The objective of the session is to engage and educate young people who are interested in aviation environmental protection and climate change. It aims to listen to their views and address their inquiries related to aviation environmental protection.

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