Aviation Environment Protection Internationally
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has placed great importance on protecting the environment of civil aviation. The member states of ICAO, signatories to the Chicago Convention, have agreed to focus their environmental cooperation in the international civil aviation sector on three key areas:
1. Climate Change and Aircraft Emissions
2. Aircraft Noise
3. Local Air Quality
The organization has developed a comprehensive guidance document, Annex 16 to the Chicago Convention, which includes four volumes on aircraft noise, aircraft engine emissions, air quality, aircraft carbon dioxide emissions, and CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) action plan. The organization updates standards and guidance materials on environmental issues based on the latest available science and scientific knowledge regarding the impact of civil aviation industry activities on the environment.
ICAO aims to contribute to the achievement of the Paris Agreement’s objectives on climate change, which is keeping the global temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius. It has adopted a Long-Term Aspiration Goal (LTAG) to mitigate the negative impacts of international civil aviation activities on the global climate by achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
In order to achieve the long-term aspiration goal, the organization is pursuing a basket of measures that includes mitigation measures that can be taken to reach the specified objective. These measures include aircraft technology improvements, operational improvements, sustainable aviation fuels, and global market-based measures (CORSIA) for offsetting and reducing carbon emissions from international flights.
Source: Climate Change (icao.int)
According to studies, alternative aviation fuels can achieve the largest proportion of emissions reduction in the international civil aviation sector (55% by 2050). Alternative fuels include
- Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF): Renewable aviation fuel derived from waste, biomass, or captured carbon that meets sustainability criteria (Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) (icao.int)
- Lower Carbon Aviation Fuels: Fossil-based fuel produced using mechanisms that meet sustainability criteria (Lower Carbon Aviation Fuels (icao.int)
- Clean energies such as hydrogen and electricity
ICAO launched the State Action Plan initiative in 2010 to enable member states to develop long-term climate change strategies in the international aviation sector. This includes establishing a baseline scenario for carbon dioxide emissions from international civil aviation, selecting appropriate mitigation measures from the organization's basket of measures, and calculating the expected results of implementing those measures (State Action Plans and Assistance (icao.int)
*Further information about Aviation Environment Protection:
Environmental Protection (icao.int)
ICAO Environmental Report 2022
Aviation Environment Protection in the Sultanate of Oman
The aviation sector in Oman is a key pillar of the national economy and social development. While the increase in air traffic is an economic necessity, it requires measures and actions to mitigate its environmental impact.
In line with local and international commitments, the Civil Aviation Authority has established a dedicated section for the protection of the aviation environment. This section monitors the implementation of local and international obligations related to environmental protection in aviation. It also contributes to the development of environmental policies and laws in the sector, as well as collecting and analyzing environmental statistics as required.
Under the Civil Aviation Law issued by Royal Decree No. 76/2019, the Civil Aviation Authority has the authority to issue regulations concerning the protection of the environment from the effects of civil aviation activities, in accordance with international standards and Omani legislation. The authority works in coordination with relevant entities to issue guidelines and regulations to achieve its environmental goals in line with national and international commitments.
At the organizational level, a committee for the protection of the aviation environment has been formed, chaired by the Director-General of Civil Aviation Regulation, with members from the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, the Environment Authority, as well as relevant stakeholders from airlines and Oman airports.
This committee is responsible for monitoring the implementation of responsibilities and duties stated in the ICAO Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), as well as studying policies and resolutions related to aviation environmental protection from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and monitoring Oman's compliance with their implementation.
Oman, along with other member states of ICAO, has adopted the Assembly Resolution A39-3 on the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) during the 39th session of the ICAO Assembly held from 27 September to 7 October 2016. Oman officially expressed its intention to voluntarily participate in CORSIA from the pilot phase onwards in June 2017. The Civil Aviation Authority has coordinated with international civil aviation operators in Oman (Oman Air and Salam Air) to meet all the data and operational requirements of CORSIA.
In line with Oman's commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and implementing international commitments in the field of aviation environmental protection, Oman has submitted its State Action Plan to the International Civil Aviation Organization. This plan outlines the expected future air traffic in Oman, as well as the projected emissions from international civil aviation until 2050. It also includes mitigation measures that can be taken to reduce emissions from international civil aviation, according to the basket of measures defined by ICAO, including technological and operational improvements and market-based measures (CORSIA).